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Our Mission


The AHA Community

菠菜网lol正规平台是天主教徒, coeducational, 里奇菲尔德的大学预科高中社区, Minnesota, consisting of students, professional staff, parents, 校友和朋友积极致力于一个共同的目标:教育每一个学生的生活. 记住我们每个人都是按照上帝的形象创造的, we respect each other, we serve those in need, 我们拥抱彼此的差异, 我们欢迎那些希望与我们社区互动的人. AHA培养学生变得自信, prepared, connected in faith, and ready for college and life. 

菠菜网lol正规平台的使命是教育和培养多元化的学生群体,使每个学生, as a whole person, 可以充分发挥智力优势吗, to live spiritually, to lead responsibly, to act justly, and to serve selflessly.

作为一所天主教大学预科高中, AHA专注于其使命宣言中的原则:

美国心脏协会的方式是一个程序,是为了有意地创造一个关怀, welcoming, inclusive, 和尊重的学校环境在菠菜网lol正规平台(AHA).   整个社区在我们沟通的方式中使用AHA方式指南, 我们与他人互动的方式, in how we celebrate, and in how we approach problems.  该计划由四条原则组成,并对家长提出了不同的期望, students and staff:
  • Help Others and Ourselves Succeed
  • Be Part of the Solution
  • Communicate "You Matter"
  • Honor the Absent
Catholic Schools

Members of AHA's community value: