Online Health
This course provides the student with opportunities to acquire knowledge and information concerning the relationship of health to oneself, one's family, and community. Health Education at AHA is concerned with the ways and means of influencing positive changes in health related behaviors; enabling the student to act in ways which will provide optimum quality of life. The course will provide students with the necessary resources to help them lead a long, healthy, and productive lifestyle. They will take part in the promotion of healthy behaviors, as well as, abstaining from harmful ones.
Health Education offers a wide variety of topics that impact students physically, emotionally, and socially. Mental and emotional health will be a focus each year. The course is taught combining online work with in-class presentations. Since this class is taught over four years, it allows faculty to present and discuss age-appropriate health topics with students.
Learner Outcomes
AHA's Program of Studies is a comprehensive course catalog with a description of the school's requirements for graduation and for student honors.
Please reference the catalog below as it is the official document of AHA.
Lisa Stocco
Physical Education & Health
Grant Yackly
Physical Education & Health